Foundation Repair

We’ve compiled several articles about foundation repair and similar services.


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We Service Lafayette!

Lafayette’s scenic rolling hills and upscale neighborhoods come with specific structural challenges that homeowners must consider. Many homes are built on sloped lots with expansive clay soils, which swell during wet winters and shrink during dry summers. This constant soil movement can lead to foundation settling, cracks in walls, and uneven floors. Over time, these issues can compromise the structural integrity of the home, requiring professional foundation leveling and repair.

Lafayette is also situated near the active Hayward Fault, putting it at risk for significant seismic activity. Older homes, especially those built before modern seismic codes, may not be adequately equipped to withstand a major earthquake. Seismic retrofitting—such as foundation bolting, cripple wall bracing, and shear wall installation—can help reinforce these homes, protecting both the structure and its occupants during seismic events.

Drainage issues are common in Lafayette due to the hilly terrain and seasonal rains. Poor drainage can lead to water pooling around foundations, increasing hydrostatic pressure and causing leaks or cracks. For hillside homes, improper drainage can also lead to soil erosion and landslides. Installing effective drainage systems, such as French drains and retaining walls, is essential for protecting the home’s foundation and maintaining long-term stability.

illside areas where rainwater runoff can lead to soil erosion and hydrostatic pressure against foundation walls. Without proper drainage solutions, homes may experience water intrusion, basement flooding, or foundation weakening. Installing systems like French drains, sump pumps, and retaining walls can help manage water flow and protect homes from long-term damage.

Drainage With Sump

Drainage Ward Construction is a leading expert in correcting drainage issues in the Bay Area.  If you have any drainage concerns, call us for an opinion about how to best correct it.  Fixing your drainage issues will remove moisture from your crawl spaces, dry out...

Excavation – Retaining Wall Example

Retaining Walls sometimes need to be straightened.  Here's an example work description: We will excavate behind a 6 lineal feet section of the right side retaining wall adjacent the right rear corner of your home. We will then cut the lagging behind the 2 posts and...

Drainage System With Sump

Many drainage systems require a sump pump: We will construct a drainage system along a 26 feet long portion of the front, the entire left side, and the rear side up to the left rear corner of the solarium. The system will be comprised of 2 legs, each discharging into...

Slab Replacement

Concrete Slab Replacement Example: We will remove the lower rear wood retaining wall and concrete hot tub slab and wall, excavate approximately 7 feet back from the lower lawn and patio area, and construct a keystone wall approximately 84 feet long and 3 feet high to...

Sump Pump Installation Example

Here's an example of a sump pump installation with drainage system: We will construct a drainage system along a 26 feet long portion of the front, the entire left side, and the rear side up to the left rear corner of the solarium. The system will be comprised of 2...

Deck Replacement

Drainage jobs sometimes involve deck replacement too: We will construct a drainage system along the entire rear side of your home. The system will be deeper then the adjacent sub-area grade. We will connect to the existing system near the left rear corner. We will...

Lift Floors

Thank you for the opportunity to provide you the following estimate for work at your home. Per the enclosed elevations, we will lift the interior floors off of existing post jacks to bring them into a flatter plane. We will construct a drainage system along the front,...

protect your home today

Preventive repairs can save you stress and money. Don't let drainage problems or structural deficiencies endanger one of your biggest investments.  Schedule your expert estimate today.


Ward Construction serves Alameda, Contra Costa, and parts of Marin and Solano Counties.