Foundation Repair Blackhawk

Ward construction, operating in Blackhawk is a company specialising in foundation repair. We are a well known and trusted company concerned with the maintenance and repair of your home or commercial property’s foundation. Foundations are often the section of a property that are overlooked or simply forgotten about. Yet it is one of the most important aspects of any building, since it supports the building itself. We specialise in making sure that the foundation of your home or building does not fall into disrepair, or if it does it is more than able to mend any creak or leak. There are a number of elements which contribute to the weakening of a foundation, and a few of them are natural. For those who are involved in foundation repair, rain and moisture takes on a whole new importance as it is intricately linked to the health soil and therefore the foundation.  


Fortunately for those in need of foundation repair in Blackhawk, we are experts.

The moisture in the air can often lead to damp forming in the basement but water in the soil can offer a significant threat to the wellbeing of the foundation. As we well know, the water content of the soil and the type of soil are as vital to the building, as the foundation itself.

This means that we are uniquely qualified to seek out and repair any damage the foundation might experience.

The process of checking what kind of soil supports your foundation is not complicated, but nonetheless, it is best left to professionals. We will take all the stress of foundation repair off your hands. Whether you need help in combating damage to your foundation caused by poor soil drainage or by excess water in the soil, we know what needs to be done.  With years of experience in foundation repair, we are quick to find the problem and thorough in solving it, if any Blackhawk local is having trouble with their foundation, we can repair it.

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