Foundation Repair Castro Valley

Serving Castro Valley, we are a trusted and reliable company specializing in maintaining and repairing any damage or weakening your foundation may have incurred. There are a few primary causes of foundation failure including, poor original workmanship, old age, poor soil conditions, and poor drainage. Heavy rainfall can be detrimental to your foundation if the soil that the foundation is built upon cannot drain the water away quickly or effectively enough.

This is but one thing that Ward construction could discover about the foundation of your home or business, as we begin our foundation repair.

Settling is another problem that plagues buildings. All houses settle because once the building has been completed, the earth around the building moves and settles into permanent positions. The earth may only move a fraction but it will certainly move. Problems occur however when the earth settles unevenly, causing the foundation of the building above it to become slightly uneven too. This may not be enough to be seen by the human eye, but this is what causes unsightly cracks and it can cause instability in your foundation. To avoid this, someone thinking of building in a particular area, might bring in a soil expert who can discover what soil the land is comprised of and decide whether it poses a serious settlement threat. If however you are having problems with an existing house or business, where cracks have begun to appear or you are worried about the integrity of your foundation, we can help.

We can offer viable solutions in repairing and maintaining your foundation.

While we cannot alter the soil your house is built on, we can certainly mend the cracks and repair and reinforce the foundation of your house. So that though your home may have experienced uneven settlement, the integrity of your foundation can be maintained. Foundation repair in Castro Valley is a service we are uniquely able and happy to offer.

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