by Foundation Repair | drainage, drainage pipe, estimates, slump
Many drainage systems require a sump pump: We will construct a drainage system along a 26 feet long portion of the front, the entire left side, and the rear side up to the left rear corner of the solarium. The system will be comprised of 2 legs, each discharging into...
by Foundation Repair | drainage, drainage pipe, grading, slump
Here’s an example of a sump pump installation with drainage system: We will construct a drainage system along a 26 feet long portion of the front, the entire left side, and the rear side up to the left rear corner of the solarium. The system will be comprised of...
by Foundation Repair | catch basin, drainage, drainage pipe, floor leveling, slump
Thank you for the opportunity to provide you the following estimate for work at your home. Per the enclosed elevations, we will lift the interior floors off of existing post jacks to bring them into a flatter plane. We will construct a drainage system along the front,...
by Foundation Repair | catch basin, drainage, drainage pipe
Scope of Work We will construct a drainage system along the entire left, rear, right, and a 16 feet portion of the front side of the residence. The system will be comprised of 2 legs, each discharging into a sump located near the right rear corner, from where the...
by Foundation Repair | Berkeley, drainage, drainage pipe
Here’s an example drainage system installed in Berkeley We will construct a drainage system along a 12 feet long portion of the front, and a 12 feet long portion of the right side of the unit. The depth of the system will be below the adjacent the slab floor....
by Foundation Repair | drainage, drainage pipe
We will construct a drainage system along the rear and left sides of the residence at 233 Douglass Lane. The average depth along the rear addition will be 2 feet, and 3 feet along the rest. The system will discharge into the existing sump, which we will deepen, from...