Foundation Repair Pleasant Hill

We are well known and respected company specializing in foundation repair in Pleasant Hill. After living in your home for several years you are lulled into a false sense of ‘rightness’. We become complacent and are happy to let a cupboard hang at an unsightly angle or let the paint dull on the dining room wall. But there are two vitally important parts of your home which can become quite dangerous if not properly maintained or repaired, the first is the roof and the second is the foundation. Ward construction is concerned only with the integrity of your foundation and so are not distracted from our task. The foundation of your home is not only what your home sits on, it is also what holds your home together.

We understand this, and take it into account in all our work.

The jobs that we are called in to complete are varied “some big, some small” but we always show the same level of dedication and high standard of workmanship. We know that there are any number of things which can go wrong in the foundation of your home and so we appreciate the amount of inspection work that needs to be completed before a thorough repair job can begin.

We are only concerned with completing the repair to the best of our very impressive ability and not disrupting the peace of your home too much.

We know that having a construction team in your home can be a very disruptive and noisy experience which is why we always to our best to limit our disturbance within your home. No matter what the problem might be we have the experience and know-how to find the problem and offer effective solutions for your Pleasant Hill home.

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